Geography of the Ramayana: This topic that someone has done there project over before is very interesting to me because of the geography. I like it because to me being able to see where these stories are taking place not only describes what that place is like physically but also culturally. The best part is after you are done you can have an overview of each place that is described and you can compare them. How do their cultures differ based on the stories that are told there or on the stories that are portrayed their. You don't just get an understanding of their culture but also what other people think about their culture based off of what they write about them. To me this is the best part of geography. More information over this topic can come from
Traveling India: This topic, for a similar reason as the one mentioned above, interest me not only because it is about geography but because I can put myself in the story. Getting more familiar with the stories we read is probably one of the best ways to prepare for a trip. These stories, obviously, mean a lot to the culture of the Indian people and getting to know them can reveal a lot. Traveling to places has always been a priority to me, most people go because they want to see the architecture, or museums, or famous landmarks. Now don't get me wrong I go for these things too however my main goal when I go somewhere is to learn about the people and how they make the famous places so famous. In this case these places are in the stories that are told through generations that everyone knows. Therefore, to travel India is to travel through these stories and to learn more about why people value the meaning of them. This is the main reason the traveling projects fascinate me. More information on this topic can be found at
Temples: Another story that interests me is the one over Temples. Across the world there is always one theme almost everyone can share and that is most people believe in a higher being. Now not everyone believes this but most do and if you want to understand a culture then understanding about the peoples faith is a good place to start. This project specifically interests me because the temples in India are so diverse and so different from the ones in the US and most people don't know anything about them. I have to admit I know very little about the Indian gods and goddess but being in this class has already to help me understand more. My ultimate goal in this class is to understand more aspects of the Indian culture that is revealed through these epics and I believe understand the peoples place of worship and what goes on inside is a great and fascinating way to meet that goal. More information on this topic can be found at
Project Runway: Indian Epics Edition: I like this project because it takes a subject most Americans understand and gives it a twist. It makes understanding the characters of these stories easier and gives it a different spin. The thing I like most about this project is the creative freedom the author has. Each girl is based off a character but the author modeled her based off of their perspective of her. Fashion is also another great tool to learn about different cultures and different norms of the society. Another reason I like this project is because sometimes in these stories the women do not always get the appreciation or the focus and this project gives that to them. More information on this topic can be found at
(Belur Ramakrishna Math in Kolkata: Image from Wikimedia Commons)
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