
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana, Section B

     In this next part of the book the story begins to develop and thicken. While the story progresses, the characters become more involved, intertwined, and important to each part of the overall story. One character that sticks out is Sita, who is Rama’s wife. Is embarks on this journey with Rama and is by his side through most encounters. Sita has become a target in the last few stories of this section because of her ties to Rama. At first, she is targeted because someone falls in love with Rama and they want her out of the picture. Strangely it is Rama’s brother Lakshmana who saves Sita and not Rama, I wonder if there is anything between them. Sita then becomes another target as Ravana falls madly in love with her. It seams she is targeted a lot, is there something more special about her that we will find out later. What will happen to her and Rama with all of the new love interests. We leave this section with Sita in danger again with Rama no where to be found. What will happen to Sita and will she be okay on her own? The author continues to paint very vivid scenes, where someone could imagine they were there.
Bibliography: R.K. Narayan, Ravana's Sister and Ravana and Maricha
                                                     (Sita and Rama: Image from Flickr)

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Reading Notes: Narayan's Ramayana, Section A

                                       (Rama in Desert: Image from Wikimedia Commons)

Bibliography: R.K. Narayan, Rama's Initiation page 7

     The author begins with a very descriptive background of all information that is needed to be known. This is very helpful to understanding the bases of the story, but not essential. The author includes a list of all of the characters and the most repeated words most people won’t know. This includes some of the cities and concepts; this is a great idea for the reader because most are unfamiliar with these words and beliefs. The author then jumps straight into the beginning of the story with a small introduction before the first story is introduced. The author makes a clear indication of when they are going to start a story that deviates from the main plot. In the first story it is not reveled why Vishvamitra insists on only taking Rama to battle the demons but it is clear that it is important. It is also unclear why Vishvamitra must go to battle and why he must take Rama and his brother. One other thing that is unclear is why Rama and his brother must stay together. Are they stronger together? The author is speaking from an outside viewpoint with much dialogue. When describing scenes like the desert they are very descriptive, it is easy to follow along to. The author uses animals and objects modern day humans know which makes it easy to envision in the head. There are many unanswered questions in the beginning that will be answered over the course of the whole book. This is a good strategy because it makes the beginning more compelling and keeps the reader engaged. I don’t fully understand the mantras, is it like a spell or a favor? Understanding this concept might help to write different endings or twists to stories. What does the author mean when Vishvamitra says the boys will take care off him? Does he need protecting and if so why could only Rama do it?       

Monday, January 28, 2019

Famous Last Words

     I started this week off a little slower than usual, probably because we had a three-day weekend so I worked extra hours at both of my jobs. I was still a little nervous about this class when the week started but know that I have completed all of the assignments and have a better understanding of the structure of the class I think week 3 will go much better. I caught myself slipping a little behind in the course work which made me really overwhelmed but it taught me not to do that again. I really enjoyed the readings this week about the different animals. I pictured myself being told these stories as a young kid and how much I would have loved them. I think my best writing of this week was the story I created, I had so much freedom while writing which is not something I am used to. I really liked the fact that we did not have to come up with the idea for the story on our own, we were able to use another story and make it ours. I don’t do a lot of writing in my other classes, mainly just note taking so getting the chance to do so and be creative helps relieve the stress of my science classes. So far, the only work from my peers I have read is the introduction about themselves however, I really enjoyed it. Learning about what other people love about their lives is very inspirational and motivating. In my other classes, just like in this one, we hit the ground running, I am already to feel a little overwhelmed but I know I will get used to my new classes and create a good schedule for getting through them.  My plans for this upcoming week are to get a larger head start on the assignments that way I do not have to worry about them each night and also so I have time for the extra credit.
                                         (Pile of Books: Image from Wikimedia Commons)

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Feedback Thoughts

     The first article that I read was Neil Gaiman's advice on the creative life. I really enjoyed what he had to say to the art graduates he was speaking to. I am a science major and have never really excelled in the arts or anything that requires a lot of creativity however, I still found what he had to say useful and applicable. I am in total agreement with him about making mistakes. Life is about trying different things even if that means not being good at them or not liking them (at least you tried). This is a concept I struggled with and continue to battle all my life because I was not accustomed to failure. However, I took a risk of taking two geography classes in my early college career which lead me to choosing a new path for my future which I am very excited to pursue.
     The second article I read was Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work. I strongly agree with the idea that people have self doubt when something really matters to them. It is difficult to accept anything but perfect for something that really matters to you however, nothing is perfect and letting go of that idea is key to not having self doubt. Another thing essential to letting go of self doubt is to not compare yourself to others because you offer things that others cant. I struggle with these concepts to this day because being in a competitive field and applying to graduate programs I doubt myself and my abilities. I constantly have to reassure myself that I have qualities others do not and tell myself that its okay if those qualities are not what some schools are looking for.     
                                             (Mistakes: Image from Wikimedia Commons)

Project Topic Brainstorm

Project Ideas:

Geography of the Ramayana: This topic that someone has done there project over before is very interesting to me because of the geography. I like it because to me being able to see where these stories are taking place not only describes what that place is like physically but also culturally. The best part is after you are done you can have an overview of each place that is described and you can compare them. How do their cultures differ based on the stories that are told there or on the stories that are portrayed their. You don't just get an understanding of their culture but also what other people think about their culture based off of what they write about them. To me this is the best part of geography. More information over this topic can come from
Traveling India: This topic, for a similar reason as the one mentioned above, interest me not only because it is about geography but because I can put myself in the story. Getting more familiar with the stories we read is probably one of the best ways to prepare for a trip. These stories, obviously, mean a lot to the culture of the Indian people and getting to know them can reveal a lot. Traveling to places has always been a priority to me, most people go because they want to see the architecture, or museums, or famous landmarks. Now don't get me wrong I go for these things too however my main goal when I go somewhere is to learn about the people and how they make the famous places so famous. In this case these places are in the stories that are told through generations that everyone knows. Therefore, to travel India is to travel through these stories and to learn more about why people value the meaning of them. This is the main reason the traveling projects fascinate me. More information on this topic can be found at    

Temples: Another story that interests me is the one over Temples. Across the world there is always one theme almost everyone can share and that is most people believe in a higher being. Now not everyone believes this but most do and if you want to understand a culture then understanding about the peoples faith is a good place to start. This project specifically interests me because the temples in India are so diverse and so different from the ones in the US and most people don't know anything about them. I have to admit I know very little about the Indian gods and goddess but being in this class has already to help me understand more. My ultimate goal in this class is to understand more aspects of the Indian culture that is revealed through these epics and I believe understand the peoples place of worship and what goes on inside is a great and fascinating way to meet that goal. More information on this topic can be found at

Project Runway: Indian Epics Edition: I like this project because it takes a subject most Americans understand and gives it a twist. It makes understanding the characters of these stories easier and gives it a different spin. The thing I like most about this project is the creative freedom the author has. Each girl is based off a character but the author modeled her based off of their perspective of her. Fashion is also another great tool to learn about different cultures and different norms of the society. Another reason I like this project is because sometimes in these stories the women do not always get the appreciation or the focus and this project gives that to them. More information on this topic can be found at  
                      (Belur Ramakrishna Math in Kolkata: Image from Wikimedia Commons

Thursday, January 24, 2019


Story adapted from THE CROCODILE IN THE RIVERVanarinda Jataka, in The Jataka translated by Robert Chalmers. 
Bodhisatta, in this time on the Earth, came back to life as a monkey and while living on Earth lived on a river bank in a small village about 100 meters away from a large island. Bodhisatta day and night would watch this island and would dream of traveling to the island and eating its precious fruit. Until one day this dream came true, Bodhisatta obtained a small boat large enough for himself and a few items and traveled across the river to the island. Once on the island Bodhisatta filled his boat with as much fruit as the weight would allow and traveled back across to his village. He was welcomed back at the shore by the whole village and he shared his fruit with them. The next day the whole village asked Bodhisatta if he would make the journey again and bring back more fruit, he happy did. And day after day Bodhisatta made the journey and brought many fruits back to his village. Then one day while picking the fruit Bodhisatta was approached by a middle-aged man who seemed a little to skinny for his age.
“Who are you?” asked Bodhisatta to the skinny man.
“My name is Crock and I live on this island alone with my pregnant wife.” Said Crock
“I did not know any man lived on this island.” Said Bodhisatta and he asked “why are you so skinny if you live on this island with all this precious fruit?”
Crock replied “Because you have stolen all of the fruit from this island and what has remained, I have given to my wife.”
 “I do not understand, if there is no food left then why did you not move somewhere else?” asked Bodhisatta.
“We cannot move; my wife is to weak from her pregnancy to survive the move. You must stop stealing our food and leave at once.” Claimed Crock.
“I am sorry for taking your food but if I do not take this fruit back my village will be very angry with me and will not accept me back.” Said Bodhisatta.
“If you do not leave now and never return you and your town will not have fortune.” Explained Crock and he left to return to his wife.
Bodhisatta did not believe him and continued to pick the fruit. The next day around the same time Bodhisatta returned on his boat and began to pick the fruit.
“I told you yesterday you must not pick this fruit anymore, my family needs it to survive.” Explained Crock.
“I am sorry but I cannot stop or the town people will be very angry. They have grown accustomed to the fruit and demand to have it.” Said Bodhisatta.
Crock explained that if Bodhisatta left with his boat that bad luck would come to him and the village people. However, Bodhisatta left with his boat like he always did. The next day while Bodhisatta was preparing to leave for the island he noticed a leak in his boat that prevented him from traveling that day. Only a few hours later the water of the river began to rise and did not stop. After only two hours the water began to rise so high that the town became flooded and everyone was forced to leave with there belongings to a far away land.     

Authors Note: This story is adapted from The Crocodile in the river. The Bodhisatta has been changed from a monkey to a human and the crocodile and his wife have also been changed to humans. In the original story the monkey takes fruit from the island and eats it himself. In the original story the crocodile wife wants to eat the monkey for her pleasure but the monkey escapes the crocodile using his wits.
                                                  (Tropical Fruit: Image from Flickr)   

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Reading Notes: Week 2 Anthology


  • Author gives story plot in the title
  • Asks a question that is never answered in the story, left for interpretation based off of actions
  • Author tells audience information the rabbit does not know
  • Author uses animals strategically, the rabbit is small and is the scared one while the lion who is known to be brave is the wise one.
  • Author indicated the lion is powerful before the situation is resolved which is why the animals listen to him.
  • Past tense is used
  • Author uses lion and king of beasts interchangeably probably to indicate the power and knowledge of the lion.
  • Author does not describe the how the earth is breaking up, it is left for interpretation.
  • Author is speaking from an outside perspective and not from anyone character.
  • I enjoy the use of animals everyone is familiar with because it is easier to visualize.
THE CROCODILE IN THE RIVER translated by Robert Chalmers
  • Author spends lots of time describing in detail the island and its fruit, it creates a good image for the reader of exactly what the scene looked like
  • I like that the author uses qualities of living things to describe inanimate objects, it makes it seem more alive and more real. It also makes it easier to visualize.
  • I like that the author does not introduce the characters until later in the story and spends the first part describing the location.
  • Author does not spend anytime describing the two characters
  • I feel like the story is not over and should continue with the crocodile returning with nothing
  • Does the monkey continue to return?
  • Education and knowledge are clearly a theme in this story as well as others, many characters must outsmart other to get out of situations, I like this more then using strength to get out of situations.
  • Like in the rabbit story the author speaks from an outside perspective and when dialogue is not used the story is in past tense.
(Representation of the Rock the Bodhisatta had to cross: Image from Wikimedia)

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Week 2 Reading Overview

                                          (Hanuman carries the mountain: Wikimedia Commons)

     I have decided to read the R. K. Narayan's Ramayana version available. The main reason I made this decision is because I really don't like to read books on the computer and only do it when I have to, I prefer a physical book instead. I also like the fact that there is one author and it is a consistent story that will flow through out the book. In addition, there is an online reading guide in case I do not understand certain aspects of the story.
      The first comic I found interesting is the Tales of Balarama: Valiant Brother Of Krishna. I choose this comic because it as a sense of adventure with two brothers fighting demons. Also the changing of the India's geography catches my eye since that is my minor. Really anything about people going different locations and using the resources native to that area interests me.
     The second comic I found interesting is Hanuman to the Rescue because, again, it has a sense of adventure. I also find interesting the use of things like the sun and moving mountains as an advantage because these are things humans use as a tool but here they are used in a different way.
     The first video I find interesting is Purushartha - The Four Aims Of Life because I find it fascinating to study the differences and the similarities of what our culture compared to Indian culture finds important to life. It gives insight to why aspects of the Indian culture are different to ours and other cultures. Similarly I found the Stages of life equally interesting for the same reason. It is interesting to see the similarities between the two cultures of the first three stages. However, our culture tends to stop at the third stage while the Indian culture has one final stage that seems important to the individual and their spirit. 

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Time Strategies

                                              (Studying: Image from Flickr)

     The number one most difficult thing about the transition from high school to college for me was not that I moved away, or did not know anyone, or that my courses were much more difficult, it was my time management. One my first day of college in August 2015 I also had my first day at my first job. Having my first job was not the scary or difficult part is was that I did not understand how to be a student and an employee at the same time. Now, 4 years later I still don't completely have the hang of it but my time management has improved. Starting of college was difficult for me because I did not have the time management skills I needed to succeed and my grades reflected it. After a while I had to tell myself things had to change and I took the advise that these articles gave. The myth of "Too Busy" talks about cutting things out of your life that are not leading you to success this is a concept that I applied, although I still struggle with, and it helped. Even being honest with yourself and identifying these things can be a huge help. One thing I found very helpful from "Eat The Frogs First Thing in The Morning", that I have struggled with all my life, is not always saying yes. I have a bad habit of saying yes to to many things and doing things that don't make me happy but make others happy. I have come to realize that the only one who suffers is me and that is not fair to me. Saying no sometimes is necessary to stick to your plan and schedule. One last thing I found very practical and useful is from  "How to build a realistic study plan that you’ll actually stick to" is to honestly evaluate how much time you think you will need to complete a task. One thing I tend to do it allot myself a time to complete a task without thinking of what that task really needs to be completed. This has caused me to run out of time many times by allowing myself and hour to only be working on it for another 3. Thinking about what needs to be done and overestimating the time it takes is a skill I will start applying immediately!  

Friday, January 18, 2019

Class Technology Impressions

                                                    (Computer: Wikimedia Commons)   

     Over my college career I have become more familiar with different technologies that I have been required to use. I often use Google Docs and I have used image editors (however, not the ones we will be using). I have always wanted to use a graphic creation website to make different images. I am also excited to use twine, I have never used it or anything like it before so I am excited to get the opportunity to do so. Other then google docs I have bookmarked things before but this is my first time blogging. I am still getting used to it but because of the great instructions posted it is going well. Regarding the course website, I have not run into too much trouble finding anything or navigating around each different page.

First Impressions of Assignments

                                             (Starting the marathon: Wikimedia Commons)

     Upon first reading the assignments and requirements, I will be honest I almost dropped. I had never blogged before and the assignment list seemed never-ending. However, I thought to myself the two classes in my college career that I was certain about dropping and seemed like they weren't for me turned out to be my favorite two classes of my undergrad. I was nervous to be blogging since I had never done it before and I was scared that the course work was going to be to much to handle with my other classes. Despite this I decided I would stick with it for the first week and see how it went. SO far it is going well, I find the assignments fun and interesting and therefore go faster then what I would expect. Also, the best thing about this course is the detailed instructions, I never feel confused which was a big fear of mine because there is plenty of instructions and the pictures of what we should see on our end really helps. The second best thing about this class is the amount of extra credit, the end of the semester is always a tough one so being able to finish early and have one less thing to worry about is always a plus. One thing I look forward to is the storybook telling, being in all science classes I do not usually get assignments like this so I look forward to doing something outside of my comfort zone. Another assignment I look forward to is reading some Indian comic books from the library. Overall I am both nervous but excited to get my foot in the door with these assignments.     

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Growth Mindset


                                                         (Albert Einstein image at Flickr)

     I have never once been told about the idea of growth mindset, which is surprising since both of my parents are educators. I think the concept of growth mindset that Dr. Carol Dweck discusses is interesting and I agree with most of it based off of the videos watched. I am a firm believer that students will not want to admit to mistake or failure and that when the have been told they are smart that they don't want to admit to fail. I am a firm believer in this because I used to be that student. When things come easier to you then to others it is difficult to react to challenge and failure which is what happened to me in my transition from high school to college. When I came to college I, without a doubt, was a fixed minded individual however, after failing enough times and finally succeeding I have become more of a growth minded individual. I do agree that praising children for the process they take and the steps they take to get to a solution instead of getting the correct solution will not only encourage them to handle more difficult tasks but will also indirectly teach them to use those skills on every problem they face.
     Another belief of mine is that when you repeatedly praise a person for only their intelligence you are limiting them to believe that is the only quality they have and vise versa if someone sees others being praised for their intelligence and they are not they are forced to believe they are not intelligent. This could not be more false, intelligence is an acquired trait, it may come quicker to others but at one point in everyone's life they started at the basics. When you praise someone for the process they take that is a skill they can develop and use it in all aspects of life: sports, school, and personal challenges.
     Another aspect that I agree with from these videos is the idea of effort. Dweck talks about fixed minded students feel their ability means they don't need to put in effort but growth minded students want to put in effort. Everyone will come across a challenge in life, weather it be school, work, or a relationship, where effort is going to be required and the individuals who have the skills to deal with that will be the ones most successful.          

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Introduction to a Scientist

(Personal Photo at the Grand Canyon: Photo taken March 2018)

(Personal Photo of the first day of class Fall 2018: Photo taken August 2018)

     Hello! My name is Olivia Yancey, i'll start with the basics that we all tell new people when first meeting. I am a 22 year old female and this is my last semester here at OU! I am from Redlands California a small town about an hour east of Los Angeles. I will answer your next question now, why did I move to Oklahoma from Southern California? I became interested in OU because my grandparents were from Oklahoma and went to this school, but the main reason I came here was because it was cheaper then my in-state tuition. However, I have come to love OU more than I ever thought I had and moving here for college has been the greatest adventure.
                               (Image of Redlands CA: Photo by Don Graham)

     I study microbiology with a minor in geography here at OU, I am particularly interested in infectious disease and how they are effected geographically. I have been keeping busy these lat two months because I am currently applying to public health graduate schools in epidemiology! If you don't know what epidemiology is we are nicknamed the "disease detectives", its all about understanding how disease like Ebola all the way to mental illnesses occur and how to prevent and control them! I took geography not only because I love the subject but because they teach you how to make maps! So I want to use maps to help identify why diseases are where they are and to help contain epidemics (Like the maps you see on the news about the spread of Ebola in Africa)!

                       (Personal Photo of my soccer team playing in Sweden: Photo taken July 2013)

    (Personal Photo of my family and I playing in a badminton tournament: Photo taken January 2017)

     Less about school since we all have a life outside the classrooms. Growing up my life revolved around school and sports, I played soccer and badminton all through out my life, and not the backyard kind of badminton. My brother played soccer so when I was old enough I started to play and my dad was a badminton coach and I followed him to practice until I could start to play myself. Also if you had a chance to look at my favorite place blog you know that the most important thing to me and my goal in the future is to travel. I have not been to many places, college is expensive, but my list is long. I have been to Israel, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, France, and Italy my favorite being Germany so far but Sweden is a very close second. The number one on my bucket list is to see the Taj Mahal before they close the inside to visitors. My goal for my remaining time here in Oklahoma is to travel to places close by on the weekends since I do not know when I will be able to come back to this area. So if you have made it this far in my blog please comment a place I should go to before I move for grad school, it can be anywhere from here in Norman to about 6 hours away in any direction! Or if you cant think of somewhere close by tell me what city/country I should add to my bucket list.           

Storybook Favorites

Storybook Favorites
                                          (Damayanti and king Nala: Wikimedia Commons)

1. The first storybook I chose was Environment in the world of Indian Epics by Arti Patel. I chose this storybook mostly because of its design which looks almost like a book. It is very easy to see what the story is about and to navigate around the storybook. The introduction is also something that is a strong point. The intro not only introduces the story and provides the necessary background info but it states its intentions to the reader what and what the authors purpose for writing is. In addition, in the intro the first thing stated is a question and the author spends the whole intro answering that question and the rest of the storybook to prove their point. 

2. The second storybook I chose was The Epics of Food found at Paige's Storybook. I chose this storybook because it was much different then the others but just as important and interesting. Paige ties in the importance of food to the culture by associating it with important figures and stories. Paige gives a good background of each story in the introduction and includes a link to more background at the bottom of each story. I also like that the home page is by itself and has no other information on it. The different sections are very clearly labeled at the top.

3. The last storybook I chose was Tales of Davy Jones Locker. I chose this story for two different reasons. The first was because of the unique layout. The author allowed for the reader to jump ahead in the story on the home page but it was also clear where the beginning was to start at the beginning. I also liked the layout of each page because the images broke up the text like a real book would. The second reason I chose this book was because in the introduction the author is in the story, they are telling it as if they were inside Davy Jones Locker and it gives a great perspective on the story. 

Favorite Place

My Favorite Place: Berlin, Germany

                                          (Berlin Cathedral Church: Wikimedia Commons)

                                  (Personal Photo: Berlin East Side Gallery; Photo from July 2015)                               

   Since a young age traveling to new places, close or far, has been one of the most important aspects of my life. I spent the summer between high school and college traveling, most of my time was spent in Denmark but among other places I also went to Berlin. Berlin was a huge city where I did not know anyone and did not know the language, however this was one of the appealing aspects to me. My grandfather was from Germany and I had been to west Germany once, prior to this trip. I had always felt a connection to Germany and I felt at home the first time I went. My trip to Berlin was no different, I felt right at home with the food, people, and the culture. Berlin is a huge city but one of the things I loved most about it was how easy it was to get around. Walking and taking the subway to different places made it feel so much larger and more of an adventure. Another reason I love Berlin is the different food options, not only can you always find traditional German food but food from all around the globe because of its diverse citizens. This leads me to the number one reason Berlin (and all of Germany) is my favorite place, the people. All of my encounters with the workers and citizens of Berlin were nothing short of fascinating and helpful. Everyone was willing to give you directions or give you a food suggestion or, my favorite, share there story of how they ended up living in Berlin. I don't know if I will return to Berlin soon but I would recommend to anyone to go at least once!         

Post 1

This is Olivia Yancey's blog for Indian Epics Spring 2019.

Wikipedia Trails From Indian Folk Music to Oriental Star Agencies

(Hira Devi Waiba- Pioneer of Nepali Folk songs in India: Image from Wikipedia ) Indian Folk Music - I chose this as my first article bec...